Upcoming Performances

YJK's Graudation Recital

YJK's Graudation Recital

Yoon Jun Kim is giving a graduation recital finishing up her master’s degree in Willson Theater at the Juilliard School.

The works include Bach’s Partita No.2 Chaconne on Marimba, Andy Akiho’s LigNEouS with a string Quartet, and Juri Seo’s V for a Vibraphone Solo.

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Juilliard Orchestra Performs French works by Boulanger, Boulez, Ravel, and Debussy with conductor David Robertson at the Carnegie Hall

Juilliard Orchestra Performs French works by Boulanger, Boulez, Ravel, and Debussy with conductor David Robertson at the Carnegie Hall

Yoon Jun Kim will be performing with conductor David Robertson at the Carnegie Hall. The pieces are including ‘D’un matin de printemps’ by Boulanger, ‘Notations I, VII, IV, III and II’ by Boulez, ‘Piano Concerto’ and ‘Frontispice’ by Ravel, and ‘La Mer’ Debussy as a principal percussionist.

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